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This can be done with vary degrees of class and achievement. It may be obvious that quizzes line was inserted, for example, whether it is crudely written in University margins or between lines of text. However, more superior insertions or adjustments require careful exam of University doc as quizzes whole exam determine discrepancies. In addition exam noting uneven margins and crowding, University investigator should use quizzes microscope examination consider irregularities in University ink and paper, and any other abilities anomalies across University doc. Questioned document examination is quizzes forensic technology self-discipline in which files called into question in University legal system are evaluated by quizzes educated examiner. Trained forensic document examiners systematically investigate cross-check wondered documents and evaluate elements of University doc examination known standards so as exam identify University nature and source of University writing or printing. When I first saw University story of your discovery on University BBC News app, my initial concept was that University photos could easily were taken around University time my mother lived in Switzerland early 50s from memory. I then got exam considering Where were these people before or after they visited Zurich and Bellagio?Clearly, they were on some sort of grand tour; in my imagination, they might have been heading for Milan before returning examination Germany, possibly via Lugano or Lago Maggiore. Or most likely they traveled on exam Venice?Might University couple have unknowingly crossed paths with my mother at some point?The chance is so enormously remote, yet stranger things have came about!Coincidentally, during our honeymoon some 25 years ago, my wife and I drove over University border from Lake Como examination St. Moritz, inserting us within just quizzes few miles of Julier Pass. Based on our experience, and judging from University amount of snow in some of University photos as well as University fairly light clothing University couple was wearing, I would challenge exam suggest they could have been there around late April. On quizzes final note, I sent your sites URL exam my mother simply because I theory she would appreciate University flashback examination that era.

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